The scholars are recruited based on merit and by invitation. They come from diverse backgrounds, ages and religions. They are currently enrolled in primary, secondary and higher learning institutions. They are highly motivated, friendly, respectful and eager to learn. The scholarship is comprehensive and includes boarding and tuition fees, books, uniforms, personal effects, transportation to and from school and pocket money.
Scholarship Goals
The primary goal is to keep promising scholars in school by lightening the financial load on their parents and allowing students to focus on their studies in an stress-free environment. It provides students with the necessary time and support to discover their unique talents and true potential. The ultimate goal is to provide a lifelong habit of learning while securing rewarding careers that can make the best use of their strengths and desires.
Our Scholars
- Abel
- Michelle
- Dennis
- Norah
- Jecenta
- Debrah
- Fridah
- Ronald
- Abigael
- Brian
- Rehema
- Collins
- Evans
- Nehema
- Antony
- Allan
- Charity
- Edgar
- Stacy
- Allan
- Robley
- Emmanuel
- William
- Winnie
- Zedrick
- Thomas
- Hillary
- Gideon
- Saada
- Holy
- Harmon
- Hope
- Nathan
- Mercy
- Risper
- Zachariah
- Brian
- Ian
- Samwel
- Marrion
- Rayan
- Anthony
- Brenda
- Faith
- Nicodemus
- Deborah
- Winnie
- Kevin
- Joyce
- Faith
- Elizabeth
- Rebecca
- Job
- Julius
- Naomi
- Dominic