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Completion Date

Uppsala University, Sweden — Master's in Sustainable Development


How did you get involved with the scholarship program?

Having been involved in the environmental field, I aimed to gain a deeper understanding of my field of profession. Through their scholarship program that aims to promote education among African learners, The Mbegu Trust provided an avenue for me to achieve my dreams by furthering my studies in Sweden at an advanced level.

Do you have a favorite memory while in the program?

A chance to interact with fellow scholars who are part of the Mbegu family was a moment that I treasure. Hearing their inspiring stories and watching the determination on their face not only inspired but also challenged me to be the best I can be in my future endeavours.

What was the most rewarding aspect about the program?

Continuing my studies in a developed world has enabled me to gain knowledge from leading experts in my field, gain exposure to best practices, and ultimately contribute to achieving my full potential in the academic sphere. The program has also allowed me to explore various cultures and view the world from different perspectives.

Do you have a set of goals for the future?

I aspire to positively contribute to a better world through scientifically guided actions in the environmental field and spur a generation that will be mindful of Mother Nature while enjoying the services that accompany a well-managed environment. I also aspire to positively impact the continuous growth of Mbegu Trust through professional development and seeking partnerships.