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Completion Date

Kabianga Boys High School, National School


How did you get involved with the scholarship program?

After the KCPE announcement, where I did very well, my father applied for the scholarship since my family was unable to pay for my secondary school fees. Luckily, I got accepted to join the program.

Do you have a favorite memory while in the program?

My favorite memory is when I joined the program and met Aboge who advised me and taught me the values of how to acquire the best grades & how to relate with people. Also, when we met with the Mbegu Trustee who interviewed and talked to me. The mentorship program was helpful as Brian motivated us on a lot of issues.

What was the most rewarding aspect about the program?

The program provides me with all the requirements for my academic success and gives me the confidence am going to achieve my goals and pursue my career. I also trained in taekwondo, which is a great beneficial sport am grateful for that.

Do you have a set of goals for the future?

My set of goals for the future is working smart and harder to acquire the best grades so that I may pursue my career and become a great person in the future, so I can help others as I have been helped.