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Completion Date

Kakamega High School, National School


How did you get involved with the scholarship program?

With the help of my father, I became involved with the Mbegu Trust Scholarship program. I had just finished my KCPE when I applied and was lucky to be chosen because my parents could not afford to pay my and my siblings’ school fees.

Do you have a favorite memory while in the program?

My favorite moment during the program was when we planted trees to signify that Mbegu Trust has planted a tree through us and expects us to be fruitful. I also enjoyed the mentorship program by our mentor Brian. We also had fun learning taekwondo and its values.

What was the most rewarding aspect about the program?

Through Mbegu Trust I got an opportunity to join one of the best schools in the country and since my fees and other needs are sorted am now focusing to achieve my goal.

Do you have a set of goals for the future?

My goal is to become a doctor and, in the future, give back the help have gotten to society.